
Fast, Accurate Health Calculators

Calculate Your Ideal Weight

Estimate your ideal weight using various formulas based on your height and gender.

Ideal Weight Calculator

Your Ideal Weight

0 kg
Ideal Weight

Your estimated ideal weight based on the selected method is shown above.

Multiple Methods

Choose from various formulas to estimate your ideal weight, including Devine, Robinson, and Miller formulas.

Personalized Insights

Get a customized ideal weight estimation based on your height and gender.

Simple & Fast

Just enter your details and get an instant ideal weight calculation.

Understanding Ideal Weight

Ideal weight formulas are used to estimate a healthy weight range based on your height and gender. Different formulas provide slightly different results.

The Devine formula, for example, is commonly used in medical settings, while Robinson and Miller formulas offer alternative perspectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Devine formula?
The Devine formula estimates ideal weight as 50 kg + 2.3 kg for every inch over 5 feet for men, and 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg for every inch over 5 feet for women.
Are these formulas accurate?
These formulas provide estimates and should be used as a guideline. Individual ideal weight may vary.
Which method should I choose?
Try different methods to see which result aligns best with your body type and health goals.
Can I use this calculator if I'm under 5 feet tall?
The formulas are based on a baseline of 5 feet. If you are significantly shorter, the results may not be as accurate.
Is ideal weight the same as healthy weight?
Ideal weight is a rough estimate and should be considered along with other health indicators for a complete picture.